Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Right club, wrong girl

Day one of tryouts is over.  It was embarrassing, and I really can't believe it's true but it is.  After getting four notes on my car earlier this year, all telling me that I should bring my daughter over to PCSL from Kings Court, they end up wanting my other daughter.

First things first.  I can only guess that the first day of tryouts went well at KCSA for each of my children since I can't bring myself to watch all of it.  Brittney always performs well at tryouts and they immediately put her in the top training group.  That won't change the next few days.  Kaitlyn isn't saying much, still, but she said they went 'good'.  I got a text from another parent who said Kaitlyn was with the better group and played well.  I have no idea about Cole, but he's happy.  I expect each of my kids will be offered spots on the top team when Friday rolls around, maybe the second team for Cole.

Before tryouts I ran into Jamie; I'm not at all surprised she showed up to watch Brittney.  I asked her, pleaded with her, not to watch the tryouts but instead let Britts go through the next four days without any distractions on the field.  Jamie is the girl Brittney was waving to during the final scrimmage last weekend, waving to her during the game itself.  Having her near the sidelines today would totally throw off Brittney.  I've worked so hard to get her to this spot in her soccer career that I can't afford to have any distractions around her.  Reluctantly Jamie agreed with me.  We headed to the edge of the woods during tryouts to have a cigarette and keep out of Brittney's line of sight.  She told me that she's not going to play soccer this year.  Instead she wants to just enjoy her first year of high school and hang out with her friends.  And by friends I think she means Brittney.  In the end Jamie offered to watch Kaitlyn and Cole at my house afterwards so I could get Brittney to PCSL.  A nice gesture on her part.

After tryouts I wisked all three plus Jamie into the car, dropped Jamie, Kaitlyn and Cole at home to start their homework and headed over to PCSL with Brittney, which is about 15-20 minutes away.  I got her tryout number pinned on and pointed her down to the field.  I was expecting some 'oohs' or 'aahs' or something from someone to show their appreciation for my bringing Brittney over to PCSL's tryout, but all I got from a team offical was a whispered, 'Where's Kaitlyn?" before he walked away.  Then it hit me.  They want Kaitlyn, not Brittney.  I was shocked. And embarrassed.  And confused.  But I couldn't just pull Brittney off the field and Kaitlyn was at home.  I was almost trembling.  I headed to the perimeter of the field near the street to have a cigarette, three actually, and and tried to figure this out and come up with a plan.

Now I've got to fix this and I'm going to have to do two things.  First is get Britts back to KCSA tomorrow and somehow let them know that she's not trying out over here.  Parents who see her here today will talk.  I've got to squelch those rumors.  Second I've go to get Kaitlyn over here tomorrow and Thursday and she's already missing today tryouts.  So much to do so quickly.

After tryouts I explainrd to Brittney on the ride home what happened.  She's a little relieved since she would prefer to say at Kings Court.  I now have to somehow break the news to Kaitlyn, but I guess one benefit of her not speaking to me much is that she shouldn't complain.  LOL.  I let Brittney and Jamie hang out at home for a while before I drove Jamie home.  My tryout plans have been turned completely upside down.  And this is only day one.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you are back. Finally, you are planning and problem-solving again like a true Soccer Mom. I thought we had lost you forever to boxed wine and nicotine highs.

    A Soccer mom must always remember that there is no high you can get through consumer packaged goods that compares to the high a Soccer Mom experiences when watching her daughter rule the pitch.

    Now you are focused -- there are only two things you need to do, and you have identified them succinctly and accurately. Nothing else should be of issue at this time. Focus is key...
