Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday's second call

I just got the second phone call from Kings Court.  The offered Cole a spot on the U9 Red team.  I almost dropped the phone when he said Red.  Cole was on Silver last season; this is clearly a demotion.  I asked why Cole didn't make Silver or Gold and the coach said they had lots of new players moving over to KCSA from other clubs.  He tried to convince me that U9 Red would be a solid team and that this was the appropriate team for Cole.  I wanted to tell him they completely missed the boat on Cole: it's the freakin' third team!  But I didn't.  I said we would consider it and get back to him.  He gave me his phone number and said we had 24 hours to accept.  I hung up.

Now it IS time for that first drink.


  1. You have to let the boy drop soccer -- he doesn't want to play. Every good Soccer Mom knows when it is time to call the game. You are down 12-0, Cole wins. Let him quit and do whatever he wants, or his bad attitude will start to drag down his sisters reputations.

  2. Should have paid more attention to Cole!!
